Halo semua! baru pertama kali nih kayanya mau ulas buku dan bukunya buku karya anak bangsa yang lagi cukup hangat dibicarakan di media-media.
Pertama kali notice sama bukunya gara-gara liat cuplikannya di bioskop dan sekarang sudah tayang di 25 Januari 2018 kemarin.
Gw sempet sih bikin encounter dari kata-kata si Dilan yang geli-geli lucu menurut aku tapi menarik! Well aku ga bermaksud untuk mengurangi rasa hormat sama karyanya sama sekali atau mengolok-olok. buat gw novel ini sangat ringan dan bagus buat dibaca kok. cuma agak-agak sebel sama yang 1991 karena ga happy ending dan buku milea yang pandangan dilan yang kurang greget.
beberapa hal di bawah ini adalah kata-kata yang berkesan buat gw saat baca novelnya dan sukses bikin senyum senyum tersipu campur geli dan sangat menghibur apa lagi pake nada sok-sok dilan di filmnya (bayangin sendiri tentunya :P)
ini adalah tanggapan spontan gw ssat pertama kali baca kata-katanya Pidi Baiq dan semua aku save jadi highlight di instastory aku yang kamu masih bisa cek sekarang di @marisa_stephanie
1. angin, untuk meniup rambutmu. Aku, untuk mencintaimu ( Dilan)
tanggapan gw : " TSah"
kenapa tsah aku ngebayangin ada cowo yang ngomong kaya begitu sambil ketiup angin rambutnya trus disibak .. :D poninya ala ala poni cowo korea gitu ( ini pas gatau sosok dilan ya)
source : http://trenmodelrambut.com/model-rambut-pria-poni.html
(jangan lupa bayangin :D)
2. Milea, kamu cantik, tapi aku belum mencintaimu. Engga tahu kalau sore. Tunggu aja
tanggapan gw : Cepet ya bok sore uda bisa jadi cinta itungan jem cyinnnn
lah lo yang punya cem-ceman kek dilan ga cyin? jalan-jalan bareng uda lebih dari 20 kali tapi ngomong kek gini aja pasti ga pernah :P
3. Meski yang dikatakannya bukan kata-kata cinta tapi mampu menumbuhkan rasa cinta ( milea)
tanggapan gw : ini mah da baper cyin mau dikata-katain juga lo ttp bakal senyum2 kaya orang bego akh gimana siy
kek misalnya ya remaja-remaja ABEGEH apa lagi tahun 1990 ya bayangin deh uda ngefans suka sama 1 orang dia ngomong selamat pagi aja kaya uda pernyataan cinta muka tu cowo berbinar bersinar terang kaya efek di film-film. serasa syurga :P ga sihhh
sumber : https://www.matrapendidikan.com/2017/11/malaikat-tanpa-sayap.html
4. Milea, jangan bilang ke aku ada yang menyakitimu. Nanti besoknya, orang itu akan hilang.
tanggapan gw : bro kok lo serem si macem2 psikopat gitu X_X kalo gw jadi milea si gw mending kabur jauh2 ntar gw salah sedikit gw ikutan ilang juga besoknya.
Tapi ya ga beneran si ya klo ilang gw bayanginnya di bunu kan serem banget euy. Pas baca novelnya si emang ya si Dilan ini walau kata-katanya cheesy tapi romantis juga loh sebenernya. Intinya kan dia mau jaga si milea ya. dari pada punya laki cuek-cuek bebek ya
source : https://yusufsroomz.wordpress.com/tag/bebek-cuek/
5. Cinta itu dirasakan bukan dipikirkan, ia lebih butuh balasan dari pada alasan
eaaaa #cicibaperdaily
6. Tujuan pacaran itu adalah untuk putus. Bisa karena berpisah bisa karena menikah
Bener juga ni yah . Cici ga ada kata-kata lain untuk meng encounter selain setujuh :D
7. Bukan Tuhan yang harus kamu cari. tapi Jawaban, mengapa kau bodoh mencari yang sudah bersamamu.
yang ini ga bikin senyum geli tapi ada benernya juga. Ini kayanya berlaku buat orang-orang yang temenan cocok mampus (lawan jenis yak) tapi gengsian kek ga sadar jodohnya ya temennya itu. atau malu-malu kucing meong meong kali ya jadi kalo ngomong ke temennya nyebelin gitu padahal mah demen dah kali. Bisa jadi juga terlalu banyak pertimbangan A sampe Z ++ yang akhirnya mundur-mundur cantik
source : http://makassar.tribunnews.com/2015/10/26/ini-manfaat-luar-biasa-jalan-mundur-termasuk-setel-otak-dan-saraf
8. Kalau mencintaimu adalah kesalahan, yasudah. Biar. Aku salah terus aja.
tanggapan gw :
Ingat men to the left because women are always right ! :P
9. Sibuk rindu kamu
klo gw tiba-tiba ada orang random ngomong gini gw pasti nyinyir sih ahahhaha ga biasa banget
mungkin hidup gw kurang romantisme ala ala bgini.
kek responnya mgkn bakal kasar macem : " Alah emang lo lagi magabut aja deh ngaku ama gw ga usa pake alesan " T_T parah ya
10. Itu hari selasa, ketika aku mendapat surat dari Dilan. Entah bagaimana Dilan bisa nitip suratnya ke Rani. Isi suratnya pendek.
Pemberitahuan : " sejak sore kemarin, aku sudah mencintaimu!" - Dilan
tanggapan gw : Ini jawaban dari yang ntar sore dah cinta apa belon nih. Jadi kayanya abis dia bilang gatau uda cinta apa belon eh langsung cinta. Express bok lebih cepet dari fast food atau mie instan soalnya menurut gw benihnya emang uda ada. atau sbenernya udah cuma sok-sok nunda bilang karena gengsi kali atau nunggu momen yang tepat. kalo langsung bilang kekna kurang seru ya :P
Ini lah cinta banyak a b c d nya makanya seru.
11. Aku gak pandai cemburu. Malahan, kalau kamu ninggalin aku, aku gak bisa apa2. Bisaku cuma mencintaimu.
tanggapan gw kalo ada yang ngomong begini ya pasti kembali nyinyir apa lagi cowo yang emang gw ga suka :P
ya laen si kalo dilan ama milea emang uda suka-sukaan jadi kekna demen2 aja pasti yak.
Maaf bro aku sukanya sama cowo yang bisa banyak hal. Aku ga butuh yang cuma bisa cinta-cinta doang. Cinta ga bikin aku kenyang nanti kalau aku busung lapar gimana coba . Aku kan makannya banyak sering lapar.
Nah itu beberapa kalimat yang berkesan sih pas baca.
buat yang demen baca tapi belon baca novelnya gw saranin baca deh terutama yang Dilan 1990. Bukunya cocok buat refreshing sih. karena ringan bacanya juga cepet.
Gw belum nonton filmnya nih tapi jadi pengen karena yang 1990 itu cenderung lucu bikin senyum2 sendiri kaya orang bego ya bukunya. Walau biasanya buku lebih bagus karena lebih detail sih tapi ga ada salahnya nonton.
Enjoy !
Jangan terlalu serius bacanya, hidup ini ada kalanya harus kita penuhi dengan tawa supaya lebih indah. Jangan lupa senyum hari ini kali-kali senyumannya membawa berkah :D
ig : @marisa_stephanie
Thank God It's Food Lovers -I'm in love with you dear food !- -Food Here and There Everywhere-
Dilan 1990, 1991 dan Milea
Label: couple tee, murah,
dilan 1990,
dilan 1991,
pidi baiq
ShopHaus - Menteng
ShopHaus Menteng
Address :
Jl. Teuku Cik Ditiro No.36, Menteng, Jakarta, Daerah Khusus Ibukota Jakarta 10310
Phone :
(021) 22393252
Open : 10am - 10pm
What is ShopHaus :
A lot of my friends do not aware what is ShopHaus, most of them will presume this place is a restaurant or a cafe.
Well, they are not 100% wrong but not 100% correct either.
ShopHaus is a small building with several shops inside. ( yes it is small, not big like we have seen in the pictures on the internet)
At the front side, you will find pigeonhole coffee and gelato secret , entering from the same door.
In the middle , you will find Namelaka and Berrywell.
At the back side, you will find a barber shop , everlash and toilet.
If you are about taking up the stairs, you will find Mockingbird (I made a review about Mockingbird Pondok Indah ).
For the parking :
Free valet is available
This is a must due to a limited parking space
Just give a tip for the valet officer to give some appreciation for taking care of our cars.
some images :
view from gelato secret window to outdoor and parking area
gelato secret
Pigeonhole Coffee
Namelaka (next to pigeonhole coffee and berrywell)\
Berrywell (selling healthy bowls)
Sorry no picture for back side and 2nd floor :(
Overall this place was quite comfortable for me and my friends to spend time together.
They provide a lot of ceiling fan and standing AC too so don't worry , you will not feel hot here.
If you sit near the namelaka and berrywell outer area, you also can charge your phone while sitting.
ig : @caca_ietcha / @blackholeduetwww.cacaietcha.wix.com/TGIFoodLovers
ig : @caca_ietcha / @blackholeduetwww.cacaietcha.wix.com/TGIFoodLovers
Label: couple tee, murah,
kuliner menteng,
Pigeonhole coffee,
Secret Gelato,
ShopHaus Menteng
Al- Jazeera Signature - Menteng
Al - Jazeera Signature
address :
Jl. Johar No.8, RT.18/RW.6, Kb. Sirih, Menteng, Kota Jakarta Pusat, Daerah Khusus Ibukota Jakarta 10340
phone :
(021) 31907590
open : 10.00 am - 01.30am (especially for Arabian music and dance night at 08.00 pm - 01.30am every Saturday, Sunday and Monday )
1st floor :
Smoking and Shisha
2 nd floor :
non smoking
3rd and 4th floor :
Music and dance area
5th floor coming soon
parking :
a little bit tight space, basement available
dress code :
semi formal
price : 100 ++ per menu for food, 40 ++ for drinks ( all no tax :p )
interior :
The design is totally awesome with Arabian Theme all over the place love it!
Seating area :
table seating and "lesehan"
My story :
Last weekend, I went to this Arabian restaurant with my foodies friends.
Actually the main idea was to have lunch at ShopHaus menteng but I decided to propose Al-Jazeera Signature.
I saw the images on the internet and I really wanted to go here.
The interior looks so nice and comfy, and also the theme was different from other restaurant that I had visited ( same Arabian restaurant but the interior is not this fancy :D )
when we arrived in the dining area, we decided to seat in the square table seating. The reason was I wore a dress and I would find difficulties sitting in non table area. The half circle seating area also didn't fit for us (originally 8 of us but ended up 6)
That afternoon, I ordered Ruz Briyani Chicken , Arabian Pizza, Shawarma Musyakkal in plate and Adeni Tea
1. Ruz briyani Chicken Regular for 96 K
There are 2 sizes available, the small and regular
To be honest I think the regular size was not too big and I can eat it all by myself without feeling guilty
The spices were not too strong, The chicken itself was tasteless but tender.
I was expecting something with more spices actually :(
But somehow still okay for my tongue but not more than that
I had tried this kind of food nearby my neighborhood, the place was smaller but the food was nicer tho, the flavor was stronger for each dish
2. Arabian Pizza for 58K
This Arabian pizza looked so tempting and big in the menu.Sadly, sometimes picture is not always showing you exactly what you get :(
it was more like a pizza bread , the dough was too thick , the size was like a regular pizza bread.
note : this is why I rarely edit my pictures in this blog, all pictures here are original without lighting edit or else
3. Shawarma Musyakkal by plate 84K
So basically this menu only using chicken meat different from other middle east food that using lamb as their main meat. (Well I am not into lamb meat that is why all the food here are chicken :P )
this menu contained of chicken breast meat, french fries, falafel, and vegetables. For the prata bread, you eat it by tear the sheet.
The crunchiness, the tenderness and the freshness were all good but the taste didn't give me a good surprise
4. Adeni Tea
If you are about to looking at the menu and read the description, you will think about chai latte. The mixed of milk , tea and some herbs. I like milk tea and herbs!
But this one was a little bit different with regular chai latte that I know.
By smelling, I could smell the ginger and strong nutmeg (please correct me if I am wrong). I thought I didn't need to put some sugar for my tea because I want to have something less sugar, but I was wrong, the taste was better with sugar! Trust me.
By smelling, I could smell the ginger and strong nutmeg (please correct me if I am wrong). I thought I didn't need to put some sugar for my tea because I want to have something less sugar, but I was wrong, the taste was better with sugar! Trust me.
Some of my friends said the taste was very strong and odd, but still okay for me. I even like it! <3
The price was also quite cheap 58k and you can share it with your friends or even drink about 7 glasses by your own :p
My companion :
Don't forget to take a self picture of wefie when you are here
more picture on www.cacaietcha.wixsite.com/TGIFoodLovers
Label: couple tee, murah,
adeni tea,
al-jazeera signature,
arabian food,
arabian theme,
briyani chicken,
culinary with caca,
kuliner menteng,
middle east food,
shawarma musyakkal,
Enjoying the Mountain's Breeze - Melrimba Garden
Melrimba Garden
Address :
Jl. Raya Puncak KM 87, Tugu Utara, Cisarua, Tugu Utara, Cisarua, Bogor, Jawa Barat 16750
How to get there :
Private car, approx 2 hours from JKT
Phone :
(0263) 523205
Open for restaurant :
08.00 am - 09.00 pm
for garden, bike rental, trampoline , etc :
08.00am- 05.00pm
Dress code :
casual , just bring outer with you
Menu that I bought :
Fried Banana with caramel and palm sugar and butter
So, basically this fried banana is my favorite, my family favorite and I suggested it to my friends and they love it too.
Most of you must be wondering, whats special about this banana, you can find it everywhere. Well, I must say this is the best fried banana that I have ever tasted in my life so far.
The banana always sweet, I cannot find undesirable taste of it (in Indonesia we call it sepet). The texture is crispy on the outside but moist in the inside. The sweet mixture from the caramel and palm sugar are not over taste either. It gave me the precise desirable sweet taste that brought calmness and relaxation. <3
the price approx 40 per portion (2 pcs as seen in the picture)
For your information, the taste of this sweet is not the best in puncak, but still okay and nice to have it after a journey full of traffic and polution :P
price : approx. 30k+ per portion
Fried Kwetiaw
Well, I must say, all the food and drinks here are not cheap. But it adequate with the cozy environment and the taste that we get.That time I also ordered fried kwetiaw. Unlike the normal kwetiaw that I know, this one had wider piece. You can order the one with chicken meat or with the seafood. It is all up to you.
In the picture : seafood ( I prefer not to use squid actually)
the taste of the kwetiau was nice. I was able to taste the savory and sweetness of the kwetiau without unnecessary burning sensation taste. The portion was not too much but still okay for my portion.
Drink :
Traditional poci tea with rock sugar ( refillable)
It was served with 2 glass of made of clay, the same with the tea pot.
Some people said, the more you used the tea pot set, the better is the taste of the tea.
When I ordered this tea, the clay was already dark brown and the taste of the tea was nice with the rock sugar, it refreshed me after a long sitting in the car.
Let say it energized me and matched with the food
a cup of coffee :
I didn't drink the coffee tho, it was belong to my dad.
however don't expect a latte art from this restaurant
it is not a coffee shop so let say the coffee was so so and they will give you a lot of sugar pack to use o_0
What I did ?
There is an orchid shop inside the area, I usually go there to look around and take several pictures.
Some other flowers and plants also available and you can have a sneak peak inside the melrimba garden (you must pay the entrance ticket for melrimba garden approx 15k per person - if I am not mistaken :p , excluding the bike rental and camping and fishing)
Pony are also available for rent
If you bring little kid with you, this is one of interesting and fun attraction.
They also have atv, trampoline, mini outbound
My companion :
My beloved parents who loves to go to Puncak at least once a month :D
and I love it too
ig : @caca_ietcha / @blackholeduet
web : www.cacaietcha.wix.com/TGIFoodLovers
Label: couple tee, murah,
best snack in puncak,
caca the food lovers,
culinary in bogor,
culinary with caca,
melrimba garden,
mountain breeze,
pergi kuliner,
The Beauty of Nature - The Banyan Restaurant
Address :
Pesona Alam Resort & Spa
Jl. Taman Safari No. 101, Kampung Baru Tegal, Cibeureum, Cisarua, Bogor, Jawa Barat 16750
Phone :
(0251) 8217111Dress code :
casual with outer outfit
Type : Lunch Buffet
Price : approx. IDR 150k / person
Time : 11.00am - 03.00pm
My Story :
Hello, have you heard The Banyan Restaurant ?
It was located inside the Pesona Alam Resort & Spa, this is the only place for you to have heavy meal during the day in the resort area.
In my previous story, I told you about Club Huis. Both located in the same area but different building and type of food.
This time, I ate at this restaurant with my whole family (mom, dad, big bro, sis in law, and my niece). We arrived a little bit late that day. Around 02.00pm , so it was a rush for us to finish our meal.
The restaurant itself located beneath the lobby area and facing the beautiful mountain and pool.
As you can imagine, this place doesn't have air conditioner , for me the cold breeze was enough.
Frankly speaking, the food was a contradictory with the view. If the view was very pleasant to see, the food was not that enjoyable. The variant was too little and the taste itself was not at it best. However, If you do not want to take the buffet package, you are able to order the ala carte menu. But, considering the price, 2 menu with drink will have almost the same amount with the buffet package.
It was more economical for me to take the buffet package. (consider my big appetite too :p)
the buffet menu :
drinks : hot tea, sweet ice tea
fruit : melon, snake fruit, oranges, sugar palm fruit, bengkoang and sweet potato for Rujak
Main course : white rice, fried rice, fried noodles, black pepper beef, saute vegetables, fried tempeh, and soto (Indonesian soup)
dessert : chocolate cake, pandan cake, and some pastries, waffle
A. Drinks
for the buffet, we didn't have any option rather than to drink tea. The tea itself was ordinary
without any special taste
B. Fruit
I didn't eat much fruit that day because I ate too much soto T_T (I consider the soto as their best
menu in the buffet) but the fruit were not sweet and sorry to say, it were just ordinary
C. Main Course
Well, I ate the appetizer first. The salad bar didn't have too much ingredients but sliced cheese
still available along with several dressings. Quite fresh :)
The rice were a little bit dry, the vegetables color were not fresh, it was dark green like being
cooked to long.
The meat were okay but not too special
For the meat, there were kungpao chicken and beef with cauliflowers.
The kungpao chicken didn't taste like one but it was better than the beef.
The fried rice should had meat based on the name , however I could not find any :( only some pieces of egg as seen in the picture
The fish :
errrr.. the smell was very fishy. I didn't take any. YUCK
Fried noodle : this one was better than the fried rice. Even though I still could not find the meat T_T the texture was nicer and not too dry
The best was the SOTO * mention it again and again LOL
The soto contain of meat, tomato, green onion, fried red onion and I requested to exclude the
white cabbage , it was quite perfect while I was added the lime water.
D. Dessert
the dessert and pastry were quite many in amount. The cakes were in small slices but the pastry
were in big sizes (normal sizes). I was a little interested with the pudding but kinda hate the vla.
The pastry was okay and also some of the cakes.
For cold dessert they served es campur that we could prepare by our-self.
Just for suggestion, you don't need to spare your stomach's space for the waffle. The waffle was
quite horrible, it was hard and tasted bad
After enjoyed our meal, we were free to play in the resort area esp. for the trampoline and mini outbound. And of course we took several pictures around the pool too.
My companion :
As you all know, the traffic usually sucks, so we took some selfie in the car
and me near the pool
happy jumping!
Good spot for family bonding
my favorite pic taken by me :D
Have a nice holiday for all of you
Almost happy new year
Ig : @caca_ietcha / @blackholeduet
Label: couple tee, murah,
banyan restaurant,
culinary with caca,
family trip,
food blogger,
pesona alam resort,
short holiday,
visit indonesia
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